Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Most Important Meal of the Day

Last week went by so swiftly. I can't believe it! I've cooked and eaten so much. Got a few surprises this week as well. I've been looking forward to sharing my week with you.

Let's start with Saturday, yesterday. I got up early and was busy on the telephone with my sister. Then I looked at the clock and saw it was shortly after 9 am. I scrambled to get to the kitchen so that I could start breakfast, but when I got there my Dad had already made breakfast. He looked up with a smile and said, "I was just coming to get you." With the nose for food that I have I don't know how I didn't smell this food cooking. What a surprise! I'm the one who's been preparing all of the meals in the house. He had to have been up before 9 am, on a Saturday, to pull this off.

Here's what he made:
A beautiful cheese omelet, turkey bacon and avocado. We also had toast, orange juice and freshly brewed coffee. Way to go Daddy!

I shared with you just a few weeks ago that my Dad always prepared breakfast, a big breakfast every morning, when I was growing up. I guess you can say I got my breakfast skills from him.

Here's what we had for breakfast some of the other mornings this past week:

Pumpkin Pancakes

French Toast & Turkey Bacon

                                                                                   Pumpkin Soup

We really believe breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Hope you do too!

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